I guess its been awhile since I touched blogger.
I so want to fast-forward to the Phuket trip. Azure waters,
colourful wildlife and the sun. Meanwhile, projects and projects.
Its kind of a love-hate relationship. I love the rushing adrenaline
when projects are due soon, yet its a damn chore to start up
Microsoft Words again and again. Pfft
Anyway, its a few hours late. But happy birthday to Lennard Kong.
spin the tale : 2:34 AM
All the pseudo tags. All the " I want to be popular " statements.
Get Real, Literally.
spin the tale : 2:21 AM

For all the Die-Hards. Mr Bruce Willis !
Officially at Beer Garden !
spin the tale : 3:19 PM
Whats the meaning of life? - It means you are still alive
Nicholas Eng: 2.7.07, 12.33am
spin the tale : 12:36 AM