Happy Birthday Barney !

Funny how we three always manage to look good together.
spin the tale : 1:17 AM
Georges for Sheryl's birthday. A few goners. Hope you had fun barney !
And omg ! Caught Transformers with Edmund, Fiq, and Amanda.
Transformers is the shit ya'all.
Pffft. Home alone
spin the tale : 9:00 PM
Time reeling away, it really eats the heart.
Its decimating, an icy effect.
I wonder how it would be like to exist;
but not to exist.
Unsatisfaction? Dullness?
The human conspiracy.
spin the tale : 3:51 AM
Ugh. Been cracking my skull over Brand Management IJ.
Came up with this.

spin the tale : 9:21 PM
The time that never comes.
Its suffocating.
Like a vast chasm of emptiness,
just draped over like a clammy blanket;
The inevitable languor of life.
Its hyptonising; yet it seeps to the soul.
My only escape of sanctity;
a ciggarette in hand and the stars.
spin the tale : 4:03 AM

dbl-0 night was good. put aside the mats and minahs.
spin the tale : 9:48 PM
Yo-ho Yo-ho, a stale blog for me.
Papers are dreadfully near, lack of motivation is really dragging me down.
Time to change the gear, mugging and snacking commences.
Oh on a bright note, I passed my FTT without touching the damn book.
Guess after my papers its time to really have a go at my driving lessons. *shrugs*
And on the emo tone, I space out quite often these few days, subconcious meditation? Haha
The thought of people who are the colours of my canvas dry-like life ; leaving me.
Haha an intricate metaphor?
Or pre-fabricated chronicles of my life?
spin the tale : 3:31 AM