Tuesday, September 11, 2007
As of today. I have utter disrespect for people who have no originality.
C'mon la, celebrate originality man. You people got no self-esteem?
Gotta stoop so low? Its down-right underhand man, right to the balls.
Hey its not like I'm overreacting or what-so-ever. In the real word you've gotta stand
up for your work, any rat scurrying by ought to get shot.
Yes opportunism plays a part in life, do get it right. Opportunism.
NOT scheming under-hand infringements.
The amazing thing its not disappointment. Its disgust. I won't look these people
eye to eye. I shall look at your flaws, because that's practically all they are born with.
spin the tale : 1:14 AM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Through the times, you can tell everyone is growing up. Precautions and plans for the future awaiting.
Everyone's got activities that are beneficial for the ever so near dawn-coming.
Attending talks, having projects. Had a talk with Ms Reena regarding my career prospects.
After everything, the path is still a tad foggy in relation to which degree I would want to pursue.
Its ironic how the majority aren't sure what to do in the future. For me, I know what I want.
Its just the journey towards my goal, there's a crossroad. So I hope God gives me the strength to choose what will be best for me.
I'm thankful enough, to be able to have the privilege for an "individual" project. I have to do this well, I have to stand out. I have to be who I want to be. I have to make that person proud.
spin the tale : 12:33 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
So apparently, my raving of JEON Ji-Hyun extended till my Dad. AND HE AGREES! That she is one of the hottest babes around. Wakakaka !
Dad: So now I know what kind of girls you are into
Me: Oh yessssss, but its sad.
Dad: Why?
Me: Firstly, not made in SG as usual, and cant be found in SG either.
Dad: Oh yaaaaa. Sad but true.
Cast that aside, Its funny how people generally think that having a black and stoned heart is negative and all. On the contrary, personally I think it allows oneself to discover his inner thoughts and goals, not only that but also to relish the people around him, the people who will leave him/her one day. Its inevitable but thats how life works.
So to all the stone-hearted nincompoops out there, keep it up dude & dudettes. If you ever feel void of emotions and a sexual opposite, just go catch a Korean DVD. My Sassy Girl would be good. You can sob your shit out, and yet your heart manages breathe some warmth for a split second. There you go.
spin the tale : 6:02 PM
Ladies & Gentlemen, its time for JEON Ji-Hyun! That's what you call a woman.
Sigh, why can't they migrate to Singapore. Look around, Singapore..wtf
spin the tale : 2:21 AM
Kim A-Joong
She is officially my idol, my favourite celebrity beside Kate Moss. Hahaha ! I've been drooling over her for the past few hours, and I believe it will continue. Hurhur. KIM A-JOONG !
spin the tale : 2:44 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A week into the holidays and majority of the days are spent bumming around.
Hurhur, I need to stop this.
Wine & Cheese party please.
spin the tale : 5:13 PM
I swear girls are annoying like blood-sucking ticks.
Not to generalize or stereotype, but yeah. 97% of the lot.
Oh how I wish I can use the tongs and squeeze the life and blood
out of them. I'll probably receive lots of stick for this entry.
But ya, those who retort and ya-dee-da, you belong to the 97%.
spin the tale : 12:08 AM